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Bit:Bot Tutorials
MicroPython/C++ Code for the Bit:Bot and BBC Micro:Bit
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Getting Started
Read Before Starting
About MicroPython
Installing Mu
Installing Arduino IDE
Hints and Tips
1. NeoPixel Tutorial
2. Light Detector Tutorial
3. Infrared Emitter/Detector Tutorial
4. Line Following Robot
5. Light Sensitive Robot
6. Remote Control Robot
7. Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Ultrasonic Example (Arduino IDE)
Porting Bit:Bot Code from MicroPython to C
Nexpixel Modification
Light Sensitive Robot (Arduino IDE)
Line Following Robot (Arduino IDE)
Path Finding Robot (Arduino IDE)
MISC Tutorials
Bluetooth Controller (PXT Editor)
Bit Commander Game
MISC Tutorials
This is where miscelleonus tutorials will live using the BBC Micro:Bit.